Clint Conrad

Professor of Mantle Dynamics

Office: ZEB-bygget 2.328
University Web Page: Clint Conrad

Centre for Planetary Habitability
Department of Geosciences
University of Oslo
Sem Sælands vei 2A
0371 Oslo

Main | Background | Projects | Results | Research | Publications | News | Group | Courses

News from our research group

Here is the latest news from our research group, as well as links to media coverage of our work and expertise.

Also see my publications page, which associates some of these articles with individual publications.

Note: this page was started in 2020 and does not include links to older articles (yet).


  • In November, Clint Conrad gave a presentation entitled Imagining Esmark's Lost Scandinavian Ice at a special GeoOnsdag celebrating 200 years since Jens Esmark first proposed a great ice sheet that once covered Scandinavia. You can watch the presentation (see the second speaker starting at 12:46) and read an article about the event (in Norwegian).
  • In June, Maaike Weerdesteijn successfully defended her PhD thesis - congratulations Dr. Weerdesteijn!


  • In November, Florence Ramirez successfully defended her PhD thesis - congratulations Dr. Ramirez!
  • The MAGPIE project was featured in the October edition of the quarterly EU-PolarNet 2 newsletter. To find the article quickly, search on "MAGPIE".
  • Björn Heyn wrote a CEED Blog Post discussing his recent GRL article about the heat flow anomalies of plume tracks in continental lithosphere.
  • Björn Heyn was interviewed for an extensive article in March in the research publication about the dynamics and structure of Earth's LLSVPs.
  • In February, Clint Conrad was quoted in an ESA story about Earth's interior structure, and how it is linked to recent volcanic eruptions.