NATURE, June 27 2013, v. 498, p. 479-482, 2013

Data repository for this article contains 3 files:
1. Supplementary Information (5.2 MB): Conrad_Nature2013supp.pdf
This file contains Supplementary Text and Data sections 1-5 and Supplementary Figures 1-6.

2. Plate Boundary File: Conrad_Nature2013_platebound.txt
This file contains digitized plate boundaries (latitude, longitude in degrees) for the 150-250 Ma extension of the Torsvik et al. [2010] plate tectonic model, with headers denoting the name, plate number, and number of points that describe each plate.

3. Stage Poles File: Conrad_Nature2013_stagepoles.txt
This file contains digitized stage pole (stage start (Ma), stage end (Ma), latitude (deg), longitude (deg), rotation rate (deg/Myr), plate number, plate name) for the 150-250 Ma extension of the Torsvik et al. [2010] plate tectonic model.
Conrad, C.P., B. Steinberger, and T.H. Torsvik (2013), Stability of active mantle upwelling revealed by net characteristics of plate tectonics, Nature, 498, 479-482, doi:10.1038/nature12203.