GEOLOGY, April 2013, v. 41, no. 4, p. 479-482, 2013
Data Repository item 2013123

Data repository for this article contains 3 files:
1. pdf file 2013123.pdf
Methods and Model Setup (text)
Table DR1
Table DR2
Table DR3
Figure DR1
Figure DR2
Figure DR3
Figure DR4
Figure DR5

2. wmv video file 2013123_MovieDR1_caseA.wmv
Movie DR1 (case A)

3. wmv video file 2013123_MovieDR2_caseB.wmv
Movie DR2 (case B)
Ballmer, M.D., C.P. Conrad, E.I. Smith, and N. Harmon (2013), Non-hotspot volcano chains produced by migration of shear-driven upwelling toward the East Pacific Rise, Geology, 41, 479-482.