Physics of the Earth & Planets
A study of the basic physics that controls Earth's shape, orbit, interior structure, and geological evolution
Instructor: Clint Conrad
      Contact: 804 POST, 956-6649,
Teaching Assistant: Brian Boston
      Contact: 824 POST, 956-2581,
Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 to 10:15 AM in POST 708
Laboratory: Monday 1:30 to 4:20 PM in POST 733
Office Hours: After class or by appointment
Text: Fundamentals of Geophysics by W. Lowrie
More Information: The course syllabus can be downloaded here:
Schedule and Handouts:
Week 1 (Jan 7-11): Planetary Orbits and Physics Review
Week 2 (Jan 14-18): Gravitation and Tides
Week 3 (Jan 21-25): Earth's Figure and Geoid
Week 4 (Jan 28 - Feb 1): Gravity
Week 5 (Feb 4-8): Review and Midterm 1
Week 6 (Feb 11-15): Geomagnetism
Week 7 (Feb 18-22): Magnetic Anomalies
Week 8 (Feb 25 - Mar 1): Heat Flow and Geotherms
Week 9 (Mar 4-8): Mantle Convection and Sea Level
Week 11 (Mar 18-22): Elasticity and Seismic Waves
Spring Break (Mar 25-29): No Class
Week 12 (Apr 1-5): Seismic Wave Propagation
Week 13 (Apr 8-12): Earthquake Seismology
Week 14 (Apr 15-19): Seismic Hazard and Internal Earth Structure
Week 15 (Apr 22-26): Review and Midterm 3
Week 16 (Apr 29 - May 1): Wrap-Up
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