Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences People at EPS

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Fall 2006: 270.303


Fall 2006: Geodynamics

Earth & Planetary Sciences: 270.303
Time: Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday, 1:00 - 1:50 PM
Location: 304 Olin Hall
Instructor: Dr. Clint Conrad

Study of the basic principles that control deformation of Earth's crust and mantle. Elastic, viscoelastic,  and viscous deformation are described using examples of Earth dynamics from tectonics, uplift, mantle convection, faulting, etc.

Prerequisites: 171.101 or 171.105, 110.202

Text: Geodynamics (2nd edition) by D.L. Turcotte and G. Schubert

Syllabus: Geodyn06_syllabus.pdf

Questions? Interested in the course?
Contact Dr. Conrad: conrad*AT*

Johns Hopkins University